
About Us

Mommy - Emily
Daddy- Jayson
Son- Alex
Dog - Lucy
Cat- Pepper

Welcome to my little spot in the blogging world.  I am a wife of almost 9 years to my wonderful husband Jayson and I am a mommy to my mischievous energetic six year old Alexander. We live in the beautiful north shore area of Massachusetts. I love being both a wife and a mommy tremendously, but I want to do something more. Recently I decided to go back to school to be a preschool teacher, I just finished my first year and I love it. I went to college and earned a Bachelors in Fine Arts. I majored in Graphic Design. I love art, but graphic design is not my destiny.  I have a little site on Etsy selling invitations,check it out if you are interested Time and Tide Designs. I love photography, painting and ceramics.

I love animals too. I have always had pets, they ranged from geese to turtles to ferrets to dogs. I can't even imagine not having them in our family. Currently we have a rat terrier Lucy, a black and white tuxedo cat Pepper.

Recently I have spent most of my days student teaching at a local preschool and on the weekends hanging out with my little man. I work nights in retail (I KNOW that's not what I want to forever). I love watching my son and the children grow and learn new things. I love sharing new experiences, and exploring new places. I love children's books and movies. I am myself a big kid at heart. We spend many days doing crafts, learning activities and exploring the beautiful area that we live in. I want to give Alexander the best start to education that I can. I want him to succeed and I want him to love learning.

So until I decide that I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with people in the blogging community.  I am very sentimental and love going back and looking at photos and reading my previous thoughts and experiences. So this is a great way for me to do that. The "mommy" and "homeschooling" blogging community is wonderful. I am inspired to do so much. So thank you to all that took time to read this and for all that share in the blog world.